Equine Movement
Classic Formula Easy Mover - Case History Spring
Twenty-six-year-old Quarter Horse Mare
Spring is a Twenty-six year old Quarter Horse Mare. Spring was having difficulty getting around her hillside pasture and was stumbling frequently. She displayed reduced range of motion in her knees and appeared to be developing ringbone. Her veterinarian diagnosed her with arthritis. Bute was recommended for the discomfort. Spring’s owners who had raised her from a weanling wanted to do all that they could for their mare and decided to try Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Spring had a history of two episodes of founder but overall was a healthy horse. Her coat was shinny; her attitude and appetite were very good.
Because her overall condition was good Spring started the Whole Horse Classic formula Easy Mover. In addition her owners did regular acupressure, stretching and moxabustion treatments to her stiff joints.
Spring returned to trotting around her pasture and climbing hills with much more ease without Bute.
Because her overall condition was good Spring started the Whole Horse Classic formula Easy Mover. In addition her owners did regular acupressure, stretching and moxabustion treatments to her stiff joints.
Spring returned to trotting around her pasture and climbing hills with much more ease without Bute.