The following acupressure treatment is based on the Balance method. The Balance method of acupuncture treatment utilizes a unilateral approach, treating only one side of the horse at a time and alternating sides every treatment. Day one: gently massage in small, quarter-sized circles the following points on the right side of your horse: LV3, LV14, GB39 and UB18 Day two: gently massage in small, quarter-sized circles the following points on the left side of your horse: LV8, LV5, GB34 and UB19
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1/29/2023 09:58:29 pm
Informative article on acupressure and how it can support your horse to achieve balance. I also believe that incorporating an <a href="">equine calmer</a> into a horse's daily routine can also help to achieve balance. These supplements can help to reduce a horse's anxiety and stress levels, which can have a positive impact on their overall behavior and well-being. It's also important to remember that every horse is different and may respond differently to different forms of treatment. I recommend trying a combination of techniques such as acupressure and an equine calmer to see what works best for your horse.
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